Dr. Vivek M
Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
PhD students:
Sushant Kumar. IIA PhD student Thesis topic : Quasar outflows in the SDSS data. III year student
Ayushi Chhipa IIA PhD student Thesis topic : X-ray & radio variability of AGN. II year student
Rachana IISc JAP student Thesis topic : Flux variability in NLS1s II year student
Post Doctoral fellows:
Sapna Mishra. ARIES, Naintial Topic : Appearance and Disappearance of BALs in quasars.
paper published in MNRAS. (Currently post doc in STSci)
Sandeep Kataria Shangai University Topic : Bar formation and AGN fueling. paper published in MNRAS
Priyanka Jalan ARIES, Nanital Topic : FLAME: Fitting Lyα Absorption lines using Machine learning paper published in A&A. (Jointly mentored with Dr. Vikram Khaire)
Short-term project students:
Akhil Nair. University of Mumbai Topic: BAL quasars: orientation vs evolution Completed (paper)
Sidharth Chaini IISER Bhopal Topic Classification of compact sources Completed (paper)
Atharva Bagul IISER Bhopal Topic Classification of compact sources Completed (under review)
Sarath S Christ University Topic: Changing Look Quasars Observations Ongoing (Currently PhD student in Chile)
Udit Tyagi IISER Trivandrum Topic: Reverberation Mapping of AGN Ongoing
Vinayak S St.Stephens College Topic: RM target selection for GIT Completed (Observations ongoing )
Gayathri C J. Devagiri College Topic: Gravitational lensing of quasars. Completed
Avinash C K. Pondicherry University. Topic : Clustering of BAL quasars
Vysakh P. A. IIT Dhanbad Topic : Neural networks to identify BAL sub-classes Completed (Currently PhD student at Leiden University)
Richa Halder. IISER Kolkata Topic : Photoionization modeling of quasar winds Completed
Gopika S M IISER Kolkata Topic : Radio and X-ray correlations in AGN Completed
Nived M. S. Calicut University Topic :