Dr. Vivek M
Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Long-term Projects
Currently I am looking to recruit a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for a DST-SERB core research grant (CRG) project titled "Probing quasar outflows using broad absorption line variability". The aim of the project is to carry out a study of time variability of broad absorption lines in quasars using a large spectroscopic dataset from SDSS-IV. The duration of the project is from 2021 to 2023. The selected student will have the opportunity to register for Ph.D. with a university provided she/he satisfies the eligibility criteria for Ph.D. program. Fellowship as per DST norms. The advertisement for this position is published on the IIA website (See, https://www.iiap.res.in/phd_2021/) and the selection will be based on an initial screening followed with an interview.
If you are interested to know more details about the project, please write to me at vivek.m@iiap.res.in as soon as possible. (This opportunity is closed now)
For IIA post doctoral positions, please contact me.
Short-term Projects (on hold for now)
If you are interested in doing a short-term project with me on topics related to different AGN phenomena or machine-learning algorithms in astronomy, you are welcome to apply for the 6-months long IIA visiting students internship program (https://www.iiap.res.in/?q=degree). I recommend writing to me to talk about the possible projects before applying.
Another opportunity for a short-term project with me is through IIA Summer School Program which is organized every year(https://www.iiap.res.in/summer_school/).
You are also welcome to write to me directly for any short-term projects. As the number of such requests that I receive these days are large, I probably will not be able to accommodate each and every request. I will be particularly interested in students who have fairly good programming skills especially relating to some advanced data mining techniques or machine-learning techniques like neural networks. This will mostly be virtual supervision unless you have your own financial support (like INSPIRE, KVPY fellowship etc.) or I can manage some money through any of the funding agencies.
I am also available for mentoring students on some astronomy related "reading projects" whenever I am not teaching. This is especially recommended for students in the first semester/year who do not have much research experience. The reading topic can either be any astronomy text book of interest or any particular astronomy research topic. In the latter case, the reading project can be expanded to a "review project".